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Alia Musica

Glad to be making a difference!

We just run into an entry on a blog ("The Development Section" is the title of the blog) that is a reflection around what a new music show sometimes is, of what it should perhaps be, of what it can offer and sometimes does. The title of the entry is "New Music Could Be So Much More Inviting Sometimes".

These are issues that we at Alia Musica constantly think of, and where we strive to contribute with our practice. The nice news is that this post, written by CMU viola grad student Sean Brennan (an outsider to new music by his own admission), is in fact a review of our July 31st event, which he attended and, apparently, loved!

The post is thoughtful, and touches on several issues facing classical music today (the "Vacant Performer Face Syndrome," the "empty concert hall filled with music performers don't fully understand," how audiences "shun new music because it is made of different ingredients than it was in past centuries," etc.).

As we agree with many of Sean's observations, it is very encouraging to see that, for him, our show was "an excellent, positive example of what new music can be when all of the ingredients for proper appreciation and production come together."

It is nice to see that we are addressing issues that are relevant to other people, especially to people that are not the choir we preach to!

Federico Garcia-De Castro, Artistic Director &Co-founder, Alia Musica California composer Ken Ueno
