Support cultural organizations to more effectively produce or present art. With Cultural Organizations funding, the Endowments seeks to support cultural organizations to more effectively produce or present art. Courses of action in Cultural Organizations focus strategically on: General Operating Support; Catalytic Funding; Capitalization; and Innovation & Experimentation.
Ensure that individual artists can build careers and lives in the greater Pittsburgh region. With Individual Artists funding, the Endowments seeks to ensure that individual artists can build careers and lives in the greater Pittsburgh region. Courses of action in Individual Artists focus strategically on: Direct Support; and Support Systems.
Foster creative places by elevating the role of arts, culture and high-quality design into regional development. The Endowments fosters Creative Places by elevating the role of arts, culture, and high-quality design in regional development. Courses of action in Creative Places focus strategically on: Artist & Community Engagement; Civic Design; Placemaking & Placekeeping; Public Art; and Venues & Cultural Facilities.
Cultivate abundant opportunities for high-quality creative learning experiences. Through Creative Learning funding, the Endowments seeks to cultivate abundant opportunities for high-quality creative learning experiences. Courses of action in Creative Learning focus strategically on: Network Supports; Provider Organizations; Teaching Artists; and Youth Participation.
How to Apply
501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organizations seeking Creativity funding are advised to submit a “share your idea” form before completing a full application. Details related to the application process can be found here.