Equity in Strategic Areas
Equity in Your Organization
Structural Racism
Mental Health Resources for People Fighting Racial Injustice
Diversity in Philanthropy
Technical Assistance
Developing a Transformational Criminal Justice Narrative: A Toolkit, National Criminal Justice and Public Health Alliance, March 2018
Health Equity Toolkit, PLAN4Health, an American Planning Association Project
Environmental Justice Toolkit, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, July, 2017
Educational Equity - What does it mean? How do we know when we reach it?, Center for Public Education, Jan., 2016
Race for Results – Building a Path to Opportunity for All Children, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Kids Count Policy Report 2014
65 Resources for Racial and Health Equity, It’s important for individuals, groups and policymakers to understand how to approach racial equity and promote more racial equality in communities, schools, healthcare systems and other areas. These articles, toolkits, research pieces and other materials provide information about issues facing Black Americans, indigenous communities and other minority groups, and offer strategies for taking action to advance racial equity across society—particularly in healthcare. Teach.com
Mental Health Resources for People Fighting Racial Injustice
Strategies for Coping with Injustice and Building Mental Resilience by Online Counseling Programs
Guide to discuss the impact of racism and discrimination on the mental health of blacks in the community by Sunshine Behavioral Health.
Bender Leadership Academy Digital Accessibility Initiative. Bender Leadership Academy, 2022.
Racial Equity Outcome Toolkit: A Six-Step Process for Your Organization, The Heinz Endowments, 2019
How to Enhance Organizational Diversity, The Heinz Endowments, 2019
Race Equity and Inclusion Action Guide - 7 Steps to Advance and Embed Race Equity and Inclusion within Your Organization, The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Business Case for Racial Equity, Altarum Institute and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, July 2018
Delivering Through Diversity, McKinsey & Company, Jan. 2018
Step-by-Step: A Guide to Achieving Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, Third Sector New England, Diversity & Inclusion Initiative, 2010
Vision, Values and Voice – A Social Justice Communications Toolkit, the Opportunity Agenda,
Dismantling Racism Workbook, dRWorks, 2016,
Structural Racism, Race and Public Policy Conference, 2004,
Structural Racism and Community Building, The Aspen Institute Roundtable on Community Change, June 2004,
To talk about structural racism, we have to talk about white privilege, Urban Institute, Urban Wire blog, Feb. 2016
Pittsburgh Equity Indicators, City of Pittsburgh, 2018
Pittsburgh Equity Indicators, City of Pittsburgh, ONEPGH Resilience Strategy, July 2017
Start From the Ground Up: Increasing Support for Girls of Color, Grantmakers for Girls of Color, March 2019
Toolkit for Start From the Ground Up: Increasing Support for Girls of Color, Grantmakers for Girls of Color, March 2019
Diversity in Action: Strategies with Impact, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisory and the Council on Foundations in collaboration with the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers,
Analysis of Policies, Practices and Programs for Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, D5 Coalition,
Foundation Board Diversity: Five Things We Can Do to Break from the Current Reality, BoardSource blog, Mar., 2018
Foundation Advocacy Grants: What Grantees Need to Know, Bolder Advocacy, April 2019
Disability in Philanthropy & Nonprofits: A Study on the Inclusion and Exclusion of the 1-in-5 People Who Live with a Disability and What You Can do to Make Things Better, RespectAbility, April, 2019
Just Discipline and the School-to-Prison Pipeline in Greater Pittsburgh: Local Challenges and Promising Solutions, The Center on Race and Social Problems, University of Pittsburgh, 2018,
Changing the Rules of the Game: Youth Development & Structural Racism, The Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity and Mosaic, 2004,
Engaging Youth in Community Change, Part of a series from the Technical Assistance Resource Center of the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Center for the Study of Social Policy, 2005
Technical Assistance website resources
BoardSource – a technical assistance provider that offers trainings, workshops, webinars and certificate programs related to board governance.
Bolder Advocacy – a project of Alliance for Justice that offers a searchable database of resources and tools to help nonprofit organizations navigate complex advocacy rules and regulations. Staff attorneys also provide workshops, trainings and one-on-one technical assistance over the phone and by email to promote civic engagement.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Violence Prevention – a federal resource for data, publications and other information related to violence prevention.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy - an independent news organization that provides a monthly print publication and daily web updates for fundraisers, grantmakers and others involved in the philanthropic sector
Council on Foundations – a national membership organization that offers a wide range of events, online exchange forums, leadership programs and publications to help philanthropic organizations expand, enhance and sustain their ability to advance the common good.
Foundation Center – a resource center that provdes up-to-date information for grantseekers through its research and reports, its daily “Philanthropy News Digest,” a full curriculum for classroom and online courses, and its searchable database, the Foundation Directory Online.
Independent Sector – a leadership network for nonprofit organizations and foundations that provides convening opportunities, works to protect advocacy rights of nonprofit organizations, develops and disseminates strategies covering a wide range of topics, and encourages ethical practices.
National Immigration Law Center - an organization that defends and advances the rights of low-income immigrants through litigation, policy analysis, advocacy, communications, trainings and educational materials.
The Opportunity Agenda (http://opportunityagenda.org/) – a national organization that uses trainings and retreats to help social justice leaders shape compelling narratives and messages in order to counter well-financed communications campaigns that support inequitable and unjust policies.
Spitfire Strategies – a communications consulting organization that provides a number of communications tools, case studies and blog posts for free on its website.
Stanford Social Innovation Review – a magazine and website for and by social change leaders in the nonprofit, business and government sectors who view collaboration as key to solving environmental, social and economic justice issues.
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