Game Changers 2014

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Game Changers 2014

The Game Changers Project is a multi-city fellowship program for emerging black filmmakers who partner with groups seeking to improve life outcomes for black males. Participants produce micro-documentaries that profile black men who are “game changers” making a difference in their communities and whose stories reflect universal themes of commitment, resiliency and truth. The Pittsburgh program is supported by The Heinz Endowments as part of its African American Men and Boys Initiative.

They Have a Voice: Actor Helps Homeless
by Game Changers Project fellow Michael Jasper, Pittsburgh
Actor Edwin Lee Gibson’s time away from the stage or camera includes working with homeless youth, helping them to talk about their feelings and experiences — including traumatic ones —and teaching them that their voices matter.

Carter G. Woodson Academy
by Game Changers Project fellow Michael Jasper, Pittsburgh
The legacy of noted African American historian Carter G. Woodson continues in many ways with the most familiar example being Black History Month, an extension of Negro History Week, which Woodson established in 1926. Pittsburgh members of Omega Psi Phi fraternity demonstrate through their Carter G. Woodson Academy that knowledge of black history has a personal and academic impact on local youth that cannot be restricted to a one-month observance.

Sankofa – Manhood Development Program
by Game Changers Project fellow Brett Wormsley, Pittsburgh
To help African American male youth in Pittsburgh aspire to greatness, Malcolm “MinNekhekh” Thomas’ Sankofa Reaching Back Male Mentoring and Manhood Development Program connects them to their ancestral homeland. This process has included a trip to Ghana, West Africa.