Portrayal & Perception 2015

Collage of African American men and boys

As part of its African American Men and Boys Initiative, The Heinz Endowments supported production of the WQED Multimedia documentary series, "Portrayal & Perception: African American Men & Boys," which looked at individuals and organizations in the Pittsburgh region that are challenging common images of black men.

Chris Moore and three local experts sitting in comfortable chairs discussing the issues facing African American males.
A Conversation on the Next Generation
Host Chris Moore and a group of local experts gather for a conversation about the current issues facing African American males from a societal and legal perspective.

The Next Generation
Though statistics and attitudes may show a slight narrowing of America’s racial divide, the highly-charged racial incidents in Missouri, New York and South Carolina tell another story. In the culmination of this three-year initiative, WQED talked not only with community and law enforcement leaders, but with the generation of young men whose lives are most affected – examining accomplishments and objectives that remain.